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Mireia Vilar

Mireia Vilar creció entre la música clásica, la popular y el jazz. Su paso por Barcelona le convirtió en músico (Esmuc). Su paso por Berlín le liberó artísticamente y su vuelta a casa, Valencia, le dió la confianza para editar canciones. De nuevo en Catalunya trabaja como docente en diversos centros compaginando su faceta como compositora e intérprete.

Subjects: Voice, Instrumental Ensemble


In March (2019) she published her second work entitled “La Plaga” two and a half years after the publication of her debut album “Madre Salvaje” (2016). She has been part of many projects, among others “Catálogo Messier” with a more Mediterranean air, and “Looping the Curl” where, with her computer and ironing board as support, she started with electronics.

She regards her music as a possibility to create different universes, like when a film director makes a movie, it may not look like the previous one but it continues to have something that belongs to him. Her creations adapt to many different aesthetics, though could be described with the label of “avant pop luminaire d’auteur”, as she opens up possibilities of transformation.

As a “do it yourself” artist she dedicates herself to the creation and self-management of her personal project. She also teaches modern/jazz music, is a vocal coach, arranger, producer, multi-instrumentalist, composer and does not rule out the idea of working for other artists/producers.

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