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Concert final Katastrofen Week

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    Taller de Músics 24
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  • Price / Fee

    Free pass

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We can’t stand still: Concert of the 1st Edition of Katastrofen Week

At the Escola Jove we never stop, and we’ve got creativity coming out of our ears. New this year, we have created Katastrofen Week, a special week dedicated to Rhythmics and Projects, two subjects at the Escuela Joven which consist of studying rhythmic writing and the development of creativity through the learning of practical concepts from musical language through projects

During the week of the 3rd to the 7th of February, students will focus on rehearsals and on the 11th February they will present the work done to parents in a special concert. Combo Ceba will close the event, a group made up of secondary students led by the teacher Vicent Pérez.

The event will take place at 19:00 at Taller de Músics 24, entrance is free but please give prior confirmation of your attendance to the School Secretariat.

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