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Alto for Two: Concert Tour and Masterclasses within the Better Live Project

<< Go back 19/06/2024

Alto for Two, the band led by two of today’s most innovative saxophonists and composers, Kika Sprangers and Irene Reig, has been chosen for a tour as part of the Better Live project. Xavi Torres on piano, Thomas Pol on double bass and Jamie Pett and Wouter Kühne (in the Canary Islands) on drums complete the line-up.

Better Live is a European initiative that aims to transform live music towards a more sustainable and low-carbon model. Led by 11 partners from the jazz and improvised music scene, it has two main objectives: reducing the carbon footprint of music events and supporting the international mobility of artists. Over four years, they will develop data analysis and training tools and promote sustainable concerts to foster a green and just transition in the music sector. It will also create an unprecedented network of more than 200 cultural structures committed to creating and fostering synergies between the sector’s players. For more details, please visit Better Live Music.


Festival Canarias Jazz & Más
19 July : Concert in Tenerife.
20 July | Concert in La Palma.
21 July | Masterclass and concert in Gran Canaria.

JazzCádiz Festival
23rd July | Masterclass and concert in Cádiz.

Nigrán Jazz Festival
26th July | Masterclass in Nigrán and concert in Esteiro da Foz do Miñor.




Photo ©  Xavi Almirall


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