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Master's Degree in Musical Theatre Creation

Taller de Músics and Eòlia Higher Centre for Dramatic Art have joined forces in a collaboration agreement to create the Master’s Degree in Musical Theatre Creation. This degree offers performers, composers, directors and playwrights the opportunity to study in detail the interrelated tools of music and theatre and to understand the theoretical and structural mechanisms of the genre. It has a teaching team made up of active professionals who are specialists in the field.

60 credits – Own degree



Master's Degree in Musical Theatre Creation

Application for admission

Application open until October 3rd.


Entities and centres with a discount: Taller de Músics, Eòlia CSAD, Institut del Teatre, AADPC, AMJM, ESMUC.


The Master’s Degree in Musical Theatre Creation aims to provide advanced level students with specialised tools for the creation and production of original and self-produced musicals and to encourage cooperation between professionals.

It also aims to enrich and complement practical skills and abilities to enhance creativity, expression and interpretation.

It provides students with the necessary tools to carry out in-depth theoretical research in the field of musical theatre, to prepare, produce and create musical theatre shows, to broaden their contemporary, academic and technical artistic training and to study in depth the use of new technologies applied to the stage.

Student Profile

Graduates of higher studies in music, drama, direction and performance, as well as teachers, trainers and professionals in the sector who wish to broaden their training are all eligible to apply. The personal interview will also assess any non-formal training or experience.


Óscar Peñarroya, musician, musical director and composer.
David Pintó, stage director.
Joan Vives, musician, musical director and composer.
Xavi Cassadó, guionista, director de projectes, periodista i escriptor.
Andreu Gallén, músic, pianista, compositor i director musical.


Academic Year 2024-2025
1 year, from October to June

Class schedule: Tuesday and Wednesday, from 8:30 to 14:00.
Masterclass: Will be held on selected Thursdays, from 11:00 to 13:00.


Theoretical journey through the evolution of the genre. The historical context goes hand in hand with the artistic contributions of the genre. The historical context marks the evolution of the arts.
Study of the evolution of the genre from its origins to the present day, delving into the structural framework that supports each play analysed. Special attention is paid to the development of the dramaturgy that will lead to the final master’s thesis.
Study and analysis of the most representative composers of musical theatre. Research, systematisation and practice of musical style and type of song. Contributions and innovations.
Study of the mechanisms of song lyrics in musical theatre. Analysis of the structures of the lyrics. Type of songs and their functions within the musical. Spotting of songs. Analysis of the structure of classical musical theatre. Rhetorical figures.
Composition exercises based on models from different periods. Transcription of specific fragments to be able to break down, study and modify in order to enhance creativity. Construction of melodies following the models of various composers.
Analysis of the form and construction of a song and its function within a performance. Adequacy of interpretation taking into account context, time and style. Practical work on songs in order to understand how to help a performer achieve professional excellence. A cross-disciplinary subject where ways of staging a song from different perspectives (interpretation, music and direction) are considered.
Panoramic view of the technologies involved in today’s contemporary scene, where different languages are hybridised.
Master classes given by professionals linked to the world of production, stage, management, composition, direction and management of theatres and facilities. Development of a logbook of the knowledge acquired, under the supervision of a tutor.
Presentation of the basic lines of production of a musical. Work is carried out from the pre-production phase to the beginning of the materialisation of the idea.
Development of the libretto and score of a creative musical. In working groups, performers, directors and playwrights work on the libretto and lyrics. Instrumentalists and composers build the musical structure. Presentation of the creation in dramatized reading format. The whole process is supervised by a tutor.



By Marc Rosich

Thursday, April 10, 2025
From 10:00 to 12:00 at Taller de Músics 24

Musical theatre has a unique nature, and adapting it presents a series of challenges to overcome.

Marc Rosich has adapted works such as The Book of the Beasts by Ramon Llull, L’alegria que passa by Santiago Rusiñol and La Infanticida by Víctor Català, among others. On this occasion, he will share key insights into how to transform a masterpiece into a musical and what aspects to consider in building a solid structure that ensures success.


By Albert Guinovart

Thursday, February 20, 2025
From 11:00 to 13:00 at Taller de Músics 24

Conversation with the composer of the musicals Mar i Cel, Flor de Nit and Scaramouche, among others, where we will discover his system when composing and his way of approaching the lyrics of a song.


By Ignacio Feijoo

Thursday, January 23, 2025
From 11:00 to 13:00 at Taller de Músics 24

This masterclass will cover rights in musical theatre and authorship, with an introduction to the world of licensing and royalties from a legal perspective. It will provide an overview of intellectual property related to the creation and performance of theatrical and musical works, exploring the rights and obligations that apply to and protect us.


By Jordi Cornudella

Thursday, December 12, 2024
From 11:00 to 13:00 at Taller de Músics 24

Writing a song is a complex process. Collaborating with an orchestrator can elevate and enrich our work in surprising ways. But we can also become great orchestrators of our own creations by understanding and applying certain key concepts.

And the best part is that orchestration is possible even without an orchestra!


By Roser Batalla

Thursday, November 21, 2024
From 11:00 to 13:00 at Taller de Músics 24

How can a musical sound the same as the original, but in another language? Should it be faithful? Should it be literal? Is it necessary to modify the original meaning in order to more accurately convey the author’s intent? Roser Batalla, translator and adapter of Gypsy, Company, La jaula de las locas, Sweeney Todd, Chicago, I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change, A Little Night Music, Marry Me a Little, will explain how she tackles these major challenges and share her experience in the world of translation and adaptation.


By Wendy LeBorgne

Thursday, October 24, 2024
From 11:00 to 13:00 at Taller de Músics ESEM

The playwright proposes a character and the composer sculpts it on the score. What should we bear in mind so as not to martyr the performers?

Dr. Wendy LeBorgne is a sought-after voice pathologist, speaker, author and trainer of vocal athletes in elite voice and powerful communication.

This masterclass is co-organized by EÒLIA Superior School of Dramatic Art, the SGAE Foundation, through the SGAE Territorial Council in Catalonia, and Taller de Músics.

Academic Direction

Vicenç Solsona and Josep Galindo.


Toni Pagès, from Taller de Músics.
David Pintó Codinasaltas, from Eòlia CSAD.

Past Edition | 2023-2024

Access the contents of the previous edition through the following link:

2023-2024 EDITION

Information points

Taller de Músics Escuela Superior de Estudios Musicales (ESEM)
C/ Segre, 24-32, 3ª planta
08030 Barcelona
t. 93 176 30 63
[email protected]

Eòlia Centro Superior de Arte Dramático (CSAD)
C/ Casp, 82, bajos
08010 Barcelona
t. 93 319 23 97
WhatsApp: 601 613 737
[email protected]

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