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Fernanda Viñas

Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Degree in Music Pedagogy

Fernanda began her studies in Argentina where she trained as a dance teacher at the Escuela Superior de Baile de Morón, as well as combining with music studies at the Conservatorio Superior de Música. Having developed an interest in music research, she went to study at the Universidad CAECE in Buenos Aires, where she graduated in Music Teaching.  In 2003 she moved to Barcelona, where she broadened her knowledge by studying for a Degree in Primary Teaching – specialising in music, at the Universidad de Barcelona (UB) and the Master in Musicology, Music Education and Music Performance at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB).

Subjects: Curriculum Design and Learning Assessment, Pedagogy of Musical Language, Communication and Groups Management, Didactics of Basic Musical Learning


She has ample experience working in both music and mainstream schools in Buenos Aires and Barcelona. She was a member of staff at the performing arts school Gavà “Espai Escènic” from 2008 – 2016. She directed the Infant Choir at Pablo A. Pizzurno school (Buenos Aires) and the Ventijol Infant Choir (Castelldefels – BCN) and she sang in the Cor Polifònic de la Matanza, with whom she performed in Canada, Los Angeles and Miami.

She has presented papers and posters at the VIII Congreso Internacional de Avaluación Formativa en Docencia Universitaria at the Universidad de Valladolid (2013); at the I Jornada de Baile a la Escuela organised by the Asociación de Profesionales del Baile de Cataluña and the Universidad de Girona (2015); at events organised by Musicomàtics (UAB) and the Asociación Rosa Sensat within the framework of the project European Music Portfolio – Maths: Sounding Ways into Mathematics (2015-2016); at SIEM CICREA (Valencia – 2018); V CONSMU (Pamplona – 2018) and at the ISME World Conference on Interdisciplinarity in the Arts and Curriculums (Glasgow – 2016) and Formative Evaluation in Teacher Training (Naku – 2018). She has had articles published in the magazine GUIX published by Graó: “Cuando los colores suenan y la música es voz” and in the ADOMU Boletín de Investigación Educativa Musical (Argentina): “Análisis de una creación musical y coreográfica colectiva a través de un enfoque interdisciplinario de la simetría”. She also collaborated on the publication of a book titled “Expresión Musical en Primária” published by Universidad de Barcelona and coordinated by Dr. Diego Calderon.

Currently, she works as a music teacher at La Ginesta school in Castelldefels, she is an associate professor at the Departamento de Didáctica Aplicadas at the UB and is studying for a Doctorate in Music Didactics at the UAB.

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