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Toni Pagès

Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Musical Theatre Creation

Toni Pagès studied drums at the Taller de Músics with David Xirgu and Ramón Díaz meanwhile he also received classical music training at the Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu in Barcelona from teachers such as Jorge Garrido and Ramon Torramilans. He is currently an active student of Psychology at the UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), specializing in psychopedagogy.

Subjects: Drums


During his career, Pagès has played with diverse musicians like Raül Reverter, Pau Sastre, David Mengual, José Reinoso, Beth, Gabo, Antonio Orozco, Monica Green, Paul Carrack, Lisa Stanfield and Lucrecia, among others; and with groups such as Doctor No, Jazz el Destripador, Flam&Co., Passatge Jazz Quintet and the Saturno Orchestra. Currently, he performs alongside Elena Gadel, Guillermo Prats, David Pastor, Jordi Bonell, Jordi Gaspar, Jordi Franco, Josep Lluís Guart, Miki Santamaria, Manu Guix, Jaume Peña, Judit Neddermann and David Muñoz “Gnaposs”.

He is the founder of the Ertap Project, in addition, Toni Pagès is the author, together with Santi Carcassonne, of the methods for studying Funknamental Drums (I and II). He has collaborated with the magazine Batería Total, and also with Salvador Niebla editing scores of his interactive drumming method The virtual drummer.

On a pedagogical level, he has given drumming classes, percussion workshops, modern theory and combo at the Escola de Música de Centelles (1990-2000), and has been responsible for, as coordinator and consultant of the drumming and percussion area at the Escola de Música de Vic and the Centre d’Estudis Musicals Passatge de Barcelona (1998-2001).

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