The Fundación Privada Taller de Músics (Taller de Músics Private Foundation) has carved out its own unique space in the complex global music system, creating platforms that encourage participants and audiences to own, embrace and transform the musical experiences provided by the Foundation
The Foundation is currently working towards a series of both short and long-term objectives, for instance promoting musical training and music culture; fomenting artistic creation, research, exchange and innovation; facilitating the professionalisation of young musicians and the work of professional musicians; guaranteeing the dynamism and reach of the music scene through the programming of high-risk, unique projects of high experimental value; boosting the international reach of the most worthy, strategic or interesting music projects; and promoting social inclusion and transformation through music and cultural action.
Lluís Cabrera Sánchez
Xavier Salrà Guasch
Eunice Romero Rivera
Maria Dolores Huete Jané
Carmen Gallegos Zuasti
Joan Albert Amargós Altisent
José Luis Casanova Ruiz
Manel Rojas Agulló
Miquel Fernández González
Bienvenido Moya Domènech
Felipe Ángel Estévez Vila
Maria Victoria Garriga Ariño
Javier Villavecchia Obregón
In November 2015, the Generalitat of Catalonia issued a first Transparency Guide for the application of Law 19/2014 of 29 December 2014 on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance, applicable to Foundations receiving public aid and subsidies.
On 8 October 2018, ORDEN JUS/152/2018, of 12 September, came into force, establishing the level of the subjection of Foundations to the transparency instruments established in Law 21/2014, of 29 December, on the Protectorate of Foundations and verification of the activity of associations declared to be of public utility.
Institutional and organizational information
Economic, budgetary and asset management
Lluís Cabrera Sánchez, in the name and representation of the Fundación Privada Taller de Músics, with NIF G63080014 and address at 08001 Barcelona, C/ Requesens 3-5 bajos
That in order to comply with the provisions of Article 3 of Royal Decree 1270/2003 of 10 October, which approved the regulations for the application of the tax system for non-profit organisations, the Foundation’s last financial report is attached hereto.
According to the statutes of the Taller de Músics Private Foundation, this must be governed by the applicable legal and regulatory rules and, in a special way, by its statutes. Under article 3, the activity of the Foundation is defined with the following aims and fields of action:
Since its initiation, the Private Foundation Taller de Músics has carried out its foundational objectives in the promotion of the teaching, interpretation, and dissemination of contemporary popular music: jazz, flamenco, rock, etc. It offers platforms of orchestras and solid and functioning formations to compose, arrange and interpret the author’s creations. It organises its own festivals and manages and organises activities to promote the continuous evolution of the musician through the approach and the experience with other musicians and specialised artists that contribute knowledge and continuous growth to the instrumentalist, composer or arranger as for example the International Seminar (organized from 1980 to 2011), master classes or special courses. It supports and promotes the training of musicians, the professionalisation of the youngest sector and, in short, contemplates a whole series of activities, management, and dynamics that make up the cultural industry with enormous potential for development.
Parallel to its creation, the Taller de Músics Private Foundation, given that its objectives include training, decided to expand the field of action in the educational field, with the intention of creating a musical training centre specialised in jazz, modern music and the flamenco side of traditional music. The Foundation found it necessary to incorporate the above-mentioned purely educational sphere and the training of the aforementioned specialities.
On the other hand, within the impulse of the Taller de Músics Private Foundation for promoting different actions in the field of popular music: training and dissemination, promotion of creation, accompaniment to professionalisation, dynamics of the scene… the field of work is developed through social intervention that aims to bring musical practice to different sectors of the population, especially the most vulnerable or disadvantaged.
The aim is to deepen the potential of music as a whole:
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