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Get to know the Taller

Since its inauguration in 1979 in the Raval district of Barcelona, Taller de Músics has been a living organism in constant evolution, deeply rooted in the city and with a clear international vocation. Its restless, activist and committed spirit transcends the classroom giving rise to orchestras and groups, productions and management of artists, record releases, festivals and programmes, social inclusion projects, research, and its own creations and the concert hall Taller de Músics 24.


Get to know the Taller de Músics

Brief History

Freedom well understood

Taller de Músics was founded in 1979 in the Raval district of Barcelona, reflecting the creative boom of the time and the confluence of musicians from different musical and geographical backgrounds. Initially, it was structured around a music school specialising in jazz, modern popular music and flamenco. By playing in a group and stepping on stage, Taller de Musics makes the pedagogical method unique. The school was born with a desire for change and internationalisation, which is why it created the I International Jazz Seminar in its first months of activity already, followed by 30 more editions. The seminars attract leading figures from European and American jazz, such as Brad Mehldau, Max Roach and Thad Jones, and in a short time, the message and philosophy of Taller de Músics’ teaching became public knowledge.

The projection of flamenco on the foreground materialised at the end of the 80s, after the creation of the Carmen Amaya International Seminar, with the active and passionate participation of Enrique Morente. It was these seminars that brought together countless American and European jazz musicians with flamenco artists from all over the world so that they could get to know each other as artists and share their admiration for the sophistication and depth of the two musical languages, jazz and flamenco, the two genres that are part of the Taller de Músics’ DNA.

From its very first steps, Taller de Músics has shown two of its most distinctive differential characteristics, its wide-ranging stylistic views and a natural tendency towards freedom in the right sense.

Social Inclusion

The encounter of musicians from different musical and geographical backgrounds was naturally and closely related to the environment of the Taller de Músics. From the beginning, a community was created, made up of musicians, teachers, students, school workers and neighbours from the Raval. Taller de Músics’ attachment to this neighbourhood has been a major influence in the coexistence and transformation of the area that includes Príncep de Viana, Requesens and Cendra streets, improving the living conditions of the neighbourhood. All the people who move around Taller de Músics identified with the social problems of the neighbourhood, and their desire for progress and everything that has to do with human relations in a district that borders on marginality and that nowadays still faces with important social challenges.

The expansion

The unique and singular pedagogical method thrives and in 2009 and Taller de Músics Bachelor of Music (ESEM) was born, located in the Sant Andreu district. The first expansion took place, true to its commitment to taking root in the environment. If one idea has to summarise the institutional trajectory of the Taller de Músics, it is the social impact that it has generated from creation and musical talent, both in the neighbourhoods of its city and in the schools with which it works, as well as on the stages where it is active. Its work helps the development of our future generations.

The Taller de Músics today

The Taller de Músics is a referential institution in the teaching of popular music, both nationally and internationally. Students participate in a creative, dynamic and innovative environment that allows them to learn and develop a musical career oriented towards any genre and at any level.

We pursue two main objectives, always respecting the criteria of professionalism and efficiency. On the one hand, to offer a solid and complete training. On the other hand, to adapt the educational lines to the realities of the moment, betting decisively on training that facilitates insertion of our students in the labour market.

However the Taller de Músics is much more than that, as it stands out as a platform that develops a whole set of activities aimed at promoting and divulging music.

Areas of work

Taller de Músics Music School

Our aim is to create an open and restless spirit in favour of the musical knowledge, both from an individual point of view, with the learning of the instrument, and from a collective point of view, by means of the practice divided in subjects like Instrumental Ensemble, Harmony, Arrangements, Musical Language, etc. And from this, to lay the foundations for the technical requirements necessary for the future professional practice of music.

Our Study Plan is focused on a creative praxis, with abundant proposals of the intersection with diverse musical languages, and distancing ourselves from all those formulas that seem closed to us for learning. It also offers other programmes for teaching and disseminating music adapted to current musical and technological demands.

Taller de Músics Bachelor of Music

The bachelor of Music offers advanced studies in Jazz and Modern Music Performance, Flamenco Performance, Composition, Music Pedagogy and Production and Management.

The Bachelor Degree was incorporated into the Taller de Músics during the 2009-2010 academic year. For this purpose, the facilities of the Centre Cultural Can Fabra, in the Sant Andreu district, were adapted with the aim of teaching this knowledge in a space specially designed to cover the specific needs of this type of studies.

Closely related to the curriculum of the Taller de Músics there are a series of courses, masterclasses and seminars that allow extending the knowledge acquired during the regular course.

Taller de Músics Management & Productions

The commitment to teaching, sharing and spreading music has been a priority for Taller de Músics. Currently, the Management & Productions department is known as one of the references in the field of cultural management of modern music. It participates in the most relevant music festivals and events. It works on the promotion of musicians linked directly or indirectly to the Taller. It produces its own shows and research work. It offers solid and experienced platforms in the process of accompanying author’s creations, as is the case of the Original Jazz Orchestra Taller de Músics (OJO). Finally, it brings together the best and most diverse groups to offer shows and concerts adapted to different events, whether public or private and manages the tours of around 20 shows and artists.

Record Label ‘La Colección del Taller’

The Colección del Taller aims to record the musical activity that takes place in Barcelona, especially in the field of jazz and improvised music. The recordings that have been made so far within the collection are a compilation of music of some of the creators and performers who have been working in Barcelona for some time. Among them are well-known artists like Tete Montoliu, Pau Riba, Miguel Poveda, Los Aurora, Big Mama Montse and Chicuelo, among others.

Social Projects

The Social Projects Area was created in 2014, developing a line of work within the field of social intervention to bring musical practice closer to diverse sectors of the population, especially the most vulnerable or underprivileged. This area is based on the work of Taller de Músics in the Raval and the experience of projects such as Raval Kids (2010), Rumba al Mundo (2012) and Ritmo es Vida (2014).

The three programs that make up the Social Projects department since 2014, are born from the conviction of the transforming potential of culture as a tool for inclusion and empowerment. The most outstanding musical projects are Taller Obert and Cabal Musical. They both enjoy professional support to become artistic proposals with a projection and a path within the sector.

Taller de Músics 24

In 2016, the music hall Taller de Músics 24 is inaugurated. It is part of the Association of Concert Halls of Catalonia (ASACC), so it participates in Curtcircuit and Club Circuit. In addition to concerts, the hall also hosts masterclasses, flamenco dance classes and various artistic residencies for the creation of new productions.

Awards and prizes

  • MEDALLA DE ORO AL MÉRITO EN LAS BELLAS ARTES 2022. Awarded by the Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de España.
  • CREU DE SANT JORDI: Awarded in 2003 by Mr Jordi Pujol, president of the Generalitat de Catalunya, for the trajectory and the impulse given to the development of jazz, modern music, flamenco and other music in Catalonia.
  • MEDALLA DE ORO AL MÉRITO CULTURAL: Awarded in 2010 by His Excellency Mr Jordi Hereu, Mayor of Barcelona, for 30 years of career, creation and dissemination of music.
  • Premio Amigo de Honor: Awarded in 2022 by the Spanish Society of Performers Artists AIE)
  • Primavera Sound Award 2020
  • Premio Climent Guitart 2019
  • Premio Alicia 2019: Awarded by the Catalan Academy of Music in the category of Educational Project.
  • Premio Ciutat de Barcelona 2016: Awarded in the category of Education by the Cabal Musical social project.
  • Premios ARC 2015: Association of Representatives, Promoters and Managers of Catalonia. Award to Lluís Cabrera for his professional career.
  • Premio Puig-Porret 2014: To the best music creation project “Por Cantes Olvidados”. Exploring the legacy of Catalan gipsy singers.
  • Premio Tendencias 2010 (El Mundo Catalunya) a la Industria Cultural Consolidada.
  • Premios Enderrock 2009: Recognition to the Music Industry, award for the 30 years of trajectory.
  • Premio Abacus 2009. Cultura.
  • Premios SGAE de Jazz Tete Montoliu 2005
  • Premios Nacionales de la Enseñanza de las Artes 1999: Generalitat de Catalunya, Gerard Quintana, Music of the 20th Century Finalist Award.
  • Premio Sebastià Gasch 1995, FAD (Foment de Les Arts Decoratives – Fomento de las Artes Decorativas): Awarded to JazzSí Club Taller de Músics for its sensitivity in programming creative expressions, such as jazz and flamenco, and for promoting musical training in its thematic diversity

Featured Students & Collaborators

Enrique Morente
Tete Montoliu
Miguel Poveda
Santiago Auserón
Joan Albert Amargós
Maika Makovski
Andrea Motis
Alfred García
Maria Rodés
Salvador Sobral
Arnau Tordera
Judit Neddermann
Selma Bruna
Júlia Colom
Clara Fiol
Paula Peso
Alba Morena
Anna Ferrer
Paula Giberga
Carmen Cortés
Cristina López
Ana Brenes
Jorge Pardo
Mayte Martín
Lax N’busto
Manu Guix
Joan Reig (Els Pets)
Eduard Iniesta
Sergio Dalma
Pau Donés
Estrella Morente
Chano Domínguez
Marc Parrot
Dolo Beltrán (Pastora)
Juan Habichuela
Lluís Vidal
Jorge Rossy
Mala Rodríguez
Pepe Habichuela
Zé Eduardo
Javier Colina
Perico Sambeat
Manolo Sanlúcar
Daniel Alegret (Els Amics de les Arts)
Sílvia Pérez Cruz
Clara Peya
Cris Juanico
Lídia Pujol
Miqui Puig
Joan Chamorro
Marc Miralta
Javier Ruibal
Jordi Bonell
Carles Benavent
Marco Mezquida
David Xirgu
Josep M. Thió (Sopa de cabra)
Joan Díaz
Jaume Pla (Mazoni)…


Bill Stewart
Brad Mehldau
Cecil Taylor
Giovanni Hidalgo
Gonzalo Rubalcaba
Horacio ‘El Negro’
Isaac Delgado
Joe Chambers
Joe Temperly
John Abercrombie
John Scofield
John Mayer
Bruce Barth
Kevin Hays
Kurt Rosenwinkel
Larry Grenadier
Avishai Cohen
Ben Monder
Joe Hunt
Danilo Pérez
Chris Cheek
Trilok Gurtu
Mulgrew Miller
Billy Hart
Seamus Blake
Dena Derose
Vanessa Rubin
Sean Levitt
Sheila Jordan
Shoji Kojima
Montez Coleman
Stephane Galland
Steve Brown
Steve Herrera
Steve Wilson
Max Roach
Thad Jones…

Taller de Músics Team

Blanca Gallo
General Manager
Project Manager
Administration & Reception
Alliances & Community Director
Vicenç Solsona
Pedagogical Director
Director of Studies
Yeray Hernández
Assistant Director of Pedagogy
Andrea Martín
Assistant to the Director of Studies
Cristina de Vicente
Pedagogical Director's assistant
Àlex Cassanyes
Bachelor's Degree Coordinator
Fernanda Viñas
Bachelor's Degree Coordinator
Pedagogical Coordinator
Pedagogical Coordinator
Pedagogical Coordinator
Octavio Hernández
Pedagogical Coordinator
Ramón Ángel Rey
Pedagogical Coordinator
Pau Solsona
Pedagogical Coordinator
Toni Pagès
Master's Degree Coordinator
David Leiva
Master's Degree Coordinator
Academic Secretariat
Academic Secretariat
Student dynamization
Adrià Alcaraz
Administrative assistant
Maintenance and logistics
Jordi Marquès
Pedagogical Director
Pedagogical Coordinator
Pedagogical Coordinator
Jordi Castellá
Pedagogical Coordinator
Pedagogical Coordinator
Pedagogical Coordinator
Pedagogical Coordinator
Pedagogical Coordinator
Mika Dali
Adult Program's Coordinator
Academic Secretariat
Academic Secretariat
Academic Secretariat
André Espelt
Academic Secretariat
Archive & Documentation
Maintenance and logistics
Fran Fernández
head of department
Marta Vallespín
Booking & Production
Head of department
Graphic Design
Maria Duch
Social Media & Contents
Digital Content & Web design
Content & Corporate Image
Lluís Cabrera Fernández
Ishamu Sakibou
Head of department
Montse Sánchez
Accounting and Finance
Accounting and Finance
Montse Sánchez

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