The Taller de Músics Bachelor of Music has the diffusion of music made here, at home, among its main objectives, as well as the need to deepen aspects of musical education of superior level, which is regarded an essential tool in obtaining better quality for the professionals of our country.
Because it provides the student with a qualitative artistic formation of superior level that enables the development of different fields of knowledge related to music. It offers the student a theoretical, technical and methodological training, both of a general and more specialised nature in music, in the professional areas linked to the field, the specialisation and the itinerary being studied. And finally, because it is a degree adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), it is in all respects equivalent to a university degree.
The Taller de Músics, a pioneering school in teaching jazz and modern music in Barcelona, offers a program designed for students with a heterogeneous profile (including students with classical training) who wish to prepare for the Bachelor of Music in the field of Jazz and Modern Music or Flamenco. In this course, the student is prepared for admission to itineraries of Interpretation, Composition or Musical Pedagogy.
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