How to access, academic calendar, tutorial action plan, scholarships and funding, credit recognition, mobility programmes, Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC), student card…
To gain admission to Higher Music Education at Taller de Músics you must make an entrance test, in accordance with the provisions of resolution ENS/503/2017, of March 8th, which establishes the basis of the specific entrance test for higher artistic education.
The objective of the tests is to evaluate the aptitudes of potential candidates and to determine whether or not they are equipped to study for a Bachelor of Music in their chosen speciality. Furthermore, in the event of having more candidates than places, the tests serve to identify those candidates who most merit their place on the course.
Candidates may apply for a maximum of two study modes.
The areas and study modes for which entrance tests have been convened are the following:
Once the initial call for application is finalised and matriculation is completed in the Bachelor of Music, if there are still unfilled places, there shall be a second round of specific tests in September.
On days with special hours, the building’s closing time will be adjusted as detailed below:
From December 23 to January 3 | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM |
December 24 and 31 | 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM |
From March 25 to 27 | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM |
From July 22 yo 26 | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM |
From July 27 to August 23 | CLOSED |
From August 26 to 30 | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM |
From September 2 to 12 | 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM |
The Tutorial Action Plan aims to accompany students in their process of academic and personal development from the moment they enter the Centre, promoting knowledge, analysis and reflection regarding the options so that they can make decisions that are most appropriate to their academic and professional careers, meanwhile understanding orientation as a system of social interaction, governed by rules, values, attitudes, expectations etc.
The Taller Espai d’Orientació (TEO) is an initiative led by Dr. Laura Moral, which aims to provide support and guidance to all students and faculty through emotional and psychological support. This guidance takes into account the different factors that influence the development of a healthy and sustainable music career, such as:
With an approach that seeks to go beyond the traditional method of music teaching, which is solely focused on technical-instrumental skills, TEO aims to integrate learning and programs that contribute to the overall development of musicians into formal music education programs (professional and higher education). Based on research in the fields of psychology and pedagogy, and considering the wide variety of factors that influence musical performance, it offers tools to enhance learning, academic performance, and the personal and social well-being of students.
TEO thus becomes an open space for the Taller de Músics community, offering a space for meeting, guidance, and consultation, to promote health and overall well-being within the complexity of music education, raising awareness of the mental health challenges faced by those working and/or studying in this field.
Responsible: Laura Moral-Bofill
In-person: Wednesdays from 11:00 to 12:00 h. at the ESEM
Online: to be determined
We encourage you to visit the web links of the entities listed below. All of them offer grants or scholarships for training, production and other aspects related to music. We are at your disposal in case you need more information or help with filling in the corresponding forms.
Banco Sabadell offers the Cuenta Formación, with financing that incurs no interest whatsoever, only a fixed opening commission fee of 3.50%, which will be prorated over 12 instalments. Regardless of the bank you’re with, you choose the account for direct debit. Get in touch with us, and we’ll provide you with more information.
The Taller de Músics bachelor’s degree, according to Royal Decree 631/2010 of 14 May, which regulates the content of higher artistic education established in Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May on Education, and which is in accordance with the objectives and precepts developed in Resolution ENS 2869/2011 on the recognition and transfer of credits, validation of learning, the individualised recognition of credits and other specific procedures in the field of higher education, develops the elaboration of specific regulations for the transfer and recognition of credits with the goal of mobilising students, which however does not imply any type of impediment for the accumulation of credits within the European framework of higher education.
The transfer of credits will include and only take into account the official supporting documents provided by the student. The recognition of credits implies the acceptance by Taller de Músics of those credits that have been taken and passed in the framework of another official degree, both in Taller de Músics and other universities. These credits are considered passed by recognition in the final file for the purpose of obtaining an official degree, with the full academic value of the original grades. The regulations determine the system, the procedure and the criteria that is to be followed within the current legality and provisions of the Bologna Declaration in the process of credit transfer and recognition. The credits recognised according to the above-mentioned resolution are divided into:
The specific criteria for recognition and transfer of credits are elaborated in the same resolution:
Credit validation allows credits to be surpassed by other means, such as artistic or professional experiences, or by studies not included in the system of recognition, and by transfer of credits. The student can request validation by attaching the corresponding documentation. The competences acquired must correspond to those inherent to the subjects involved.
Taller de Músics Bachelor Degree has had an international vocation from the moment of its creation following the long tradition of the Taller de Músics. A key element for improving the quality of teaching and research at the Bachelor’s Degree lies in sharing of information and experiences with foreign schools and being present at those levels which best represent and defend our interests.
For this reason, the international impulse has been translated, on the one hand in participating in networks of European and international schools to present the project of our school and to contribute to the development of formative proposals in higher music education and, on the other hand, in mobility programs with an increasing implantation year after year.
The Erasmus+ program, and more specifically Key Action 1 for the mobility of students and teachers in higher education, is the main means of mobility in our school. The ESEM Musics Workshop obtained the Erasmus Charter in 2014 and since the academic year 2016/17, there are students and teachers at the centre who participate in a network of European partners that has been growing day by day.
Taller de Músics is also open and interested in welcoming students from other centres for certain periods of study, either through the Erasmus+ program or through specific agreements.
Taller de Músics signed a collaboration agreement with Acción Cultural Española (AC/E). This agreement will serve to boost the professional careers of ESEM students and graduates through stays and concerts in Spain and abroad. These mobility actions will take place between July and November 2019 and, thanks to the agreement, all travel, accommodation and dietary expenses of the participants will be covered.
The ACS is a European network of higher music education institutions, founded in 1953, which brings together more than 280 members from 55 different countries. The aim of this Brussels-based organisation is to support music education through European projects, meetings, and exchanges, as well as to represent the interests of its members.
The Bachelor of Music by Taller de Musics was presented as a new member at the 43rd Annual Congress and General Assembly of the ACS in November 2016 in Gothenburg (Sweden) and participates in various working groups. The AEC website is a resourceful tool for institutions and their professionals as well as for students, with special reference to the mobility programs.
International students will always be admitted through the entrance examinations, for which it will be necessary to homologate the studies carried out abroad equivalent to the Baccalaureate degree (consult the website of the Departament d’Ensenyament).
Since 2019, the Escuela Superior de Estudios Musicales Taller de Músics has been a member of the IASJ. This association has been connecting students, educators, and directors of institutions and centres that teach jazz studies worldwide for 30 years. Each year, they organise the IASJ Jazz Meeting in a different country of the world, where approximately 100 students, educators, and management staff learn, teach, perform and interact. Through this encounter, professional networks are created where leadership experiences are exchanged, jazz research is promoted and/or international bands of this musical genre are promoted
The Taller de Músics Student Card accredits you as a student of Taller de Músics and allows you to access the services of both our centres. It also gives you discounts and advantages in commercial establishments, concert halls or cultural institutions. The Taller de Músics Student Card works like any student card. In the places where they give discounts for being a student, you will also be able to benefit from it. Also, remember that as a student you can apply for the International Student Identity Card, with which you can get discounts on transport, restaurants, accommodation, museums and cultural events around the world!
Academic year 2023-2024
Academic year 2022-2023
Academic year 2021-2022
Academic year 2020-2021
Academic year 2019-2020
Academic year 2018-2019
Academic year 2017-2018
Academic year 2016-2017
Academic year 2015-2016
Academic year 2014-2015
Download final accreditation report in February 2019
Download AQU 2019 Certificate
The law 1/2024 of June 7th frames and regulates higher artistic education, establishing its organization and the equivalence of professional artistic education. The new legislation represents a significant step forward, as it officially equates artistic education with university-level undergraduate studies and vocational training for the first time.
In accordance with the commitment to transparency required of university institutions within the framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and in accordance with the approach to the procedure for the design and implementation of university degrees established by Royal Decree 1393/2007, which establishes the organisation of official university education as modified by Royal Decree 861/2010, universities must guarantee, in the use of the trust that society gives them in their autonomous management, that their actions ensure the achievement of the objectives associated with the training they provide. To achieve this challenge, universities must have policies and internal quality assurance systems (IQAS) that are formally established and publicly available.
The AUDIT programme has the following objectives:
The SGIC-framework of the Taller de Músics was evaluated by AQU Catalunya within the framework of the AUDIT-EAS programme and positively assessed on 30 March 2016.
Certificate AUDIT-EAS
Approval of the Study Plan for Taller de Músics Bachelor of Music
Approval of the Study Plan for Taller de Músics Pedagogy Bachelor of Music
SGIQ 2021-2022 Follow-up Report
SGIQ 2020-2021 Follow-up Report
SGIQ 2019-2020 Follow-up Report
SGIQ 2018-2019 Follow-up Report
SGIQ 2016-2017 Follow-up Report
SGIQ 2015-2016 Follow-up Report
SGIQ 2014-2015 Follow-up Report
SGIQ 2013-2014 Follow-up Report
Rules for the Organisation and Operation of the School (NOFC)
Memory for verification of Bachelor in Music
Memory for verification of the Bachelor in Pedagogy
Employment insertion report
Self-evaluation Report Taller de Músics 2016-2017 (September 2018)
Quality Manual
SGIQ Process Manual
Satisfaction indicators for accreditation
Summary table of the processes established in the Taller de Músics Bachelor of Music:
TM – PE01 – Quality policy and objectives
TM – PE02 – Staff Policy (PDI-PAS)
TM – PE03 – Design, approval and extinction of degrees
TM – PE04 – Student Profile
TM – PE05 – Access and enrolment criteria
TM – PE06 – Implementation of the Improvement Plan
TM – PE07 – Publication of information
TM – PC01 – Teaching development and tutoring
TM – PC02 – Learning Assessment
TM – PC03 – Academic Practices
TM – PC04 – Mobility
TM – PS01 – Collection and analysis of quality training results
TM – PS02 – Professional orientation and labour insertion
TM – PS03 – Collection and selection PDI-PAS
TM – PS04 – Evaluation, promotion and recognition PDI-PAS
TM – PS05 – Training PDI-PAS
TM – PS06 – Material Resources and Infrastructure Management
TM – PS07 – Service Management
TM – PS08 – Management of complaints, claims and suggestions
TM – PS09 – Document Management
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