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The Erasmus+ programme, and specifically Key Action 1 for the mobility of students and teachers in higher education, is the primary means of mobility in our centre. The Taller de Músics ESEM gained the Erasmus Charter in 2014 and since the 2016/17 academic year there are some students and teachers from our centre participating in mobilities in a network of European partners which is continuously growing.

The ESEM is also open to and interested in receiving students from other centres for periods of study, whether that be via the Erasmus+ programme or through specific agreements.

The objective of the Erasmus programme is to foster cooperation between higher education centres in the European framework. It consists of undertaking a period of study at a higher education institution in another European country. Upon completion, the academic institution of origin will recognise the studies undertaken. During this period the student is exempt from paying tuition fees in the host institution.

Taller de Músics ESEM ERASMUS+ Code: E BARCELO137 / OID E10066998


 Application Guide STUDENTS     |    Application Guide FACULTY and  STAFF 

More info Erasmus+


This program, promoted in the Spanish State by the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) and integrated into the Clau KA103 Action of the Erasmus + program, makes it possible to carry out training in other European higher centers with which Taller de Músics ESEM has signed a bilateral agreement or other centers with which new bilateral agreements can be signed



Applications for mobilities on the academic year 2024-2025 must be sent by the international relations office of the sending institution before the following deadlines:

  • For mobilities on the first term (or full year): before March 29, 2024
  • For mobilities on the second term: from September 12 to November 29, 2024

Please remember that mobilities will match with Taller de Músics terms dates, and not with the dates of the sending institution.


The mobility application consist of the following documents:

  1. Application form (until March 29, 2024)
  2. Learning Agreement – OLA (online form)
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Motivation letter
  5. Transcript of Records

Some specialities need additional documents:

  • For Performance specialities applications, a video recording with musical performance. This video should have 1-3 pieces and should be no longer than 20 minutes. A link (freely accessible) is always preferable, instead of an attached document.
  • For Composition, examples of recent compositions representative of applicant’s work (either musical score on pdf and/or recording through a link).
  • There is no special requirement for Music Pedagogy and Management & Production, so Curriculum Vitae, motivation letter and Transcript of Records will be specially considered.

If the applicant student is a person with disabilities, please specify it when sending the application to have it in mind and offer the needed adaptations.

International Relations Office

Complete applications and any questions about its process are to be addressed to the International Relations Office:

Susanna Piquer
Technical Director, International Relations
[email protected]
+34 93 176 30 63


Applicants are selected according to their artistic and academic level by the pertinent department, and regarding the number of available seats for exchange students.

We will notify sending institutions about the results of the selection procedure about four weeks after the deadline.

Academic Year Schedule

From September to Juny.


Almost all the teaching is usually done in Catalan and Spanish.

good English level (B1 minimum) is recommended for incoming students. Catalan and/or Spanish level B1 is also suitable.

Syllabus/Study Plans

The syllabus of the Bachelor of Music consists of 4 academic courses of 60 ECTS credits each, distributed across subjects of different categories:

  • Basic training subjects: These are subjects of culture, thought, history, language and techniques of music.
  • Compulsory specialisation subjects: They are subjects of instrument or voice, complementary instrumental training, ensemble music, improvisation, composition, pedagogy,  production and management.
  • Optional subjects: They complement the training with a range of different subjects.
  • Final project.

The assignment of credits for each subject includes the hours corresponding to the teaching classes, hours of study, work, practices, projects and the preparation of exams and assessment tests.


Grading System

Grading is based on a range either 1 (worst) to 10 (best). A mark below 5 is a fail. Numbers are accompanied by descriptions, as follows: 9-10 is Outstanding (Excelente), 7-8 is Mention (Notable), 5-6 is Pass (Aprobado) and 0-4 is Fail (Suspendido).


For European Union citizens, there are no legal formalities to complete before coming to Spain.

After their arrival, all students belonging to a European Union or European Economic Area member state and who will reside in Spain more than three months must register at the Central Registry Office for Foreigners (Registro Central de Extranjeros) in order to get a Certificate of Registration and an Identity Number for Foreigners (NIE – Número de Identificación de Extranjeros). The Certificate of Registration can be obtained at your nearest National Police Station.

For Non-European Union citizen there different types of visa, depending on the length of the stay.

  • Up to three months:
    1) The European Directive EC Nº 539/2001 March 15th, 2001 includes in its annex II the countries whose nationals are exempted from the obligation to obtain a visa for study periods of up to three months. Those have to fulfill the legal requisites described in article 5 of the Schengen Code, and in case of having to prolong the stay, it is possible to request an extension for a maximum of three more months.
    2) The European Directive EC Nº 539/2001 March 15th, 2001 includes in its annex I the countries whose nationals are submitted to the visa obligation (type C) to enter the Schengen Area. For more information, consult here
  • Up to six months:
    Visa type D for studies allows you to stay in Spain for a period of up to 180 days (Visado D Estudios hasta 180 días). This type of visa does not allow you to obtain the Residence Card for foreign students (TIE).
  • Longer than six months:
    It exists an open visa for studies (Visado D Estudios, Investigación), valid for three months for entering the Schengen Area and once you have entered Spain you have to obtain the Student Residence Card for Foreigners (TIE) in order to remain legally in Spain. For further information, please click here.
    You can apply for a visa through your nearest Spanish Embassy or Consulate. Find more information at Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación.

*All the information compiled here is liable to be changed by the Spanish Government. Even if we refresh it regularly, please check the official website.


Any foreign student incoming must have medical insurance cover.

People from non-EU countries should check if there is an agreement for healthcare between the Social Security of their country and the Social Security of Spain, and submit the necessary documents.

If your country has no healthcare agreement with the Spanish Social Security system, you will need a private insurance cover for the whole time of your stay in Spain.


The housing platform Beroomers offers a wide range of lodging options: shared apartments, residences and rooms. This platform give the guarantee of security, transparency and control of the payments. Taller de Músics students, including Erasmus students, have a 25% discount on the Service Fee and a personalized atention, you just need to introduce this promo code when you are making the reservation: BE25TALLER.

Personalized link of Beroomers for taller de musics students:

Language and Culture

Intercat is a Catalan Government website with a collection of electronic resources for learning about Catalan language and culture, specially designed for students on mobility programmes who are visiting Catalan high education institutions.


Institutions with an interinstitutional agreement

Institutions with an interinstitutional agreement with Taller de Músics ESEM for the Erasmus+ programme

BIP – Blended Intensive Programmes

Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) are part of the Erasmus+ programme and constitute a mobility format that combines online learning with a short period of physical mobility.

During these blended intensive programmes, groups of students or staff as learners will undertake a short-term physical mobility abroad combined with a compulsory virtual component facilitating collaborative online learning exchange and teamwork. The virtual component must bring the learners together online to work collectively and simultaneously on specific assignments that are integrated in the blended intensive programme and count towards the overall learning outcomes.

BIP 2024 Experience – Barcelona

From 29 January to 2 February
«Ensemble texture exploration and narrative improvisation»

The participants worked on the fundamental elements of improvisation with the aim of enriching the musical narrative, placing special emphasis on group interaction. This encouraged creativity both at the individual level for the musician and in the context of the whole band.

Students from four European music institutions took part in this meeting: the Girolamo Frescobaldi Conservatory in Ferrara (Italy), the Prins Claus Conservatorium in Groningen (The Netherlands), the Latvian Academy of Music in Riga (Latvia) and the Taller de Músics ESEM. During the workshop, the participants worked with the teachers Joan Terol, Néstor Giménez, Pau Lligadas and Lluc CasaresLluc Casares through different workshops and work sessions.

Experiencia BIP 2024 – Ferrara (Italia)

Del 30 de abril al 5 mayo
«Songs from the Unknown»

Participants explored various improvisation techniques in the context of jazz and put them together in written compositions. They analysed and played compositions of different styles within jazz, and also composed original material using the techniques acquired.

Five students from the Taller de Músics (Massimiliano Biondi, Martí Alcón, Marina Garrido, Biel Jorba and Eudald López) took part in this project along with a teacher, drummer Joan Terol. The programme took place in Ferrara, where, in addition to the Taller de Músics, the Frescobaldi Conservatory of Ferrara itself, the Lusíada University of Lisbon, the Latvian Academy of Music of Riga and the Academy of Music. K. Lipinski of Wroclaw also took part.

MP3 Project

The European cooperation project MP3 arises from the need to address the constraints linked to the professionalisation of musicians and to work for the sustainability of emerging music groups.

MP3 aims to develop the skills of music groups in order for them to become spaces of social protection and to fight against the individualisation of artistic careers, to better understand the current changes in the sector and to identify risks.

Go to MP3 Project page


You may direct any enquiries related to Erasmus+ in the Taller de Músics ESEM to the Office of International Relations:

Susanna Piquer
Technical Director, International Relations
[email protected]
+34 93 176 30 63

For further information about the Erasmus+ programme consult the AEC website.

Further information


AEC - European Association of Conservatoires

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