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Music Production & Management

Taller de Músics offers the Bachelor Degree in Music consisting of 240 ECTS credits, within the speciality of Music Production and Management in two itineraries: Jazz Itinerary and Modern Music Itinerary. The Bachelor Degree in Music has, for all purposes, the same validity as an undergraduate degree issued by a university.

  • ACADEMIC PERIOD | September to June
  • ENTRANCE EXAMS | Registration: April to May
  • APPLICATIONS | July and September
  • MODALITY | Presential
  • DURATION | 4 years
  • TITLE | Bachelor Degree in Music Production & Management

Bachelor Degree in Music Production & Management


The path of the Taller de Músics has always been linked to its double aspect of modern music school and dynamic engine of musical production. With the Bachelor Degree in Music Production & Management, our aim is to train professionals in the management of musical activities, giving them rigour in their own basic and traditional knowledge, whilst providing capacity for analysis and market research as a bet for new models located in the current economy.

The Taller de Músics makes its Management & Productions department available to students for the development of academic practices and as a gateway to a professional future in the field of music management and production.


Access to higher artistic education requires the fulfilment of certain academic preconditions of which passing a specific access test that should, taking the the subsequent management of the admission procedure into consideration, be completed sufficient time ahead prior to the start of the academic year. The specific access test allows to asses the students’ attainment levels of the abilities and competences necessary to be admitted to higher education.

Applying for the Bachelor of Music: requirements, calendar, sample tests…

Specialisation in Music Production & Management

The profile of the student who accesses studies in the specialisation of production and management is that of a student who knows styles, historical periods and representative musical formations and who is able to recognise habitual forms, both auditively and through a score.

They must also know how to build their own strategies to organise their work and in order to overcome challenges of an academic or practical nature. Likewise, they must be able to express artistic opinions and assessments in a respectful and coherent manner.

They must also be able to organise the sequence of the development of projects. In addition, they must be able to organise and prepare an oral defence on issues related to musical events or the management of cultural policies around music, and show skills for working individually and in teams.


Pedagogical Team

Vicenç Solsona

Pedagogical Director

Santiago Galán

Director of Studies


Àlex Garcia
Economy in the Music Industry, Accounting and Finance, Budget management
Anaïs Vila
Voice, Songwriting and Lyric Composition
Àngel Ferrer
Electric Guitar Electric Guitar
Claudia Steccato
Voice, Awareness and Functionality in the Voice
Eva Fort
Law (I), Law (II)
Irene Reig
Sax/Clarinet, Improvisation, Instrumental Ensemble, Rhythmic Improvement
Jaume Gispert
Piano, Instrumental Ensemble, Theory of Collective Performance, Ear Training, Applied Composition Basics, Rhythmic Improvement, Instrumental Ensemble 21st Century Jazz, XXL Collective
Javier Cisneros
Instrument and Voice Pedagogy, General Pedagogy of Music, Management of Music Education Centers, Information and Communication Techniques / Computer Music (II)
Kike Bela MacQuillan
People and Team Management
Marcel·lí Bayer
Sax/Clarinet, Transverse Flute, Formal Analysis, Improvisation, Instrumental Ensemble, Theory of Collective Performance Sax, Clarinet
Maria Salicrú-Maltas
Music Heritage, Traditional World Music
Pi McCarthy
Voice, Instrumental Ensemble, Stage Presence, Specific Repertoire, Vocal Ensemble
Santiago Galán
General History of Music, History of 20th Century Popular Music, Baroque Music Analysis, Classicism Music Analysis, Main Composition, Music and Computing, Arranging (I), Information and Communication Techniques / Computer Music (I)
Úrsula Pilar San Cristóbal
Language and Communication, Musical Thought, Research in Music Education
Valentí Adell
Specific Repertoire, Supplementary Repertoire, Acoustics and Organology, Techniques for Recording and Postproduction (I) Piano, Instrumental Ensemble
Víctor de Diego
Sax/Clarinet, Transverse Flute, Instrumental Ensemble, Supersax
Yeray Hernández
Electric Guitar, Didactics of Instrument and Ensemble Electric Guitar, Instrumental Ensemble


The syllabus of the Bachelor of Music consists of 4 academic courses of 60 ECTS credits each, distributed across subjects of different categories:

  • Basic training subjects: These are subjects of culture, thought, history, language and techniques of music.
  • Compulsory specialisation subjects: They are subjects of instrument or voice, complementary instrumental training, ensemble music, improvisation, composition, pedagogy,  production and management.
  • Optional subjects: They complement the training with a range of different subjects.
  • Final Project (TFG).

The assignment of credits for each subject includes the hours corresponding to the academic classes, hours of study, the accomplishment of works, practices, projects and the preparation of examinations and evaluation tests.


In order to obtain a Bachelor Degree in Music, it is necessary to prepare and publicly defend a final work, which is a direct outcome of what has been learned. This is the writing of a project with a set of explanations, theories, ideas or reasoning on a specific subject that should even more be put into practice in the form of a concert or performance key.

The student must demonstrate the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and know how to communicate conclusions, knowledge and theories on which it is based. The TFG must communicate the results or conclusions reached in the study of a subject in an organised, formal, clear and precise way, as well as the methodology used, the process followed, the documents consulted etc. In short, it is a question of transmitting that is most important.

Career opportunities

Graduates in Production and Management have the opportunity to work as professionals in:

  • Organisation and management of music-related projects.
  • Organisation and management of projects related to music and stage education.
  • Project management (director of musical and educational projects).
  • Production of festivals, concert series and concerts.
  • Production of educational and family-friendly concerts.
  • Art direction.
  • Music programming.
  • Booking and artist contracting.
  • Management as: Music manager. Road manager. Production manager. Stage manager.
  • Ticketing.
  • Music marketing and social media.
  • Music production, recording and distribution.
  • Raising financial resources for cultural projects: sponsorship and patronage.


Click on the links below to get further information about how to apply to Bachelor of Music, academic calendar, tutorial action plan, scholarships and funding, credit recognition, mobility programmes, Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC), student card…

General Information about the Bachelor of Music

Other links of interest:

Applying for the Bachelor of Music: requirements, calendar, sample tests…



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